FFX|V Fish Tracker App: Fish Train Tool

Want to plan out a fun fishing trip with a bunch of friends? Need to know what fish will be up during your next stream? The Fish Train Tool is here to help not only with planning, but also guide your friends or community during the event by providing customized itinerary. Just fill in the forms below, and select fish to create a schedule.

Developed by Carbuncle Plushy of Balmung.


Before you Begin:

This tool is still in beta testing and under active development. It was designed primarily for desktop users so it may be difficult to use on mobile devices.


Start by selecting the start and end date. You should try to limit this to about 4 hours. Each interval displayed is 8 Eorzean bells (hours), aligned to 0, 8, and 16.

Adjust the filters by patch and type, and adjust the sorting if you wish. These work the same way as the main tracker. Once you are finished, click the Update List button to populate the Fish Table. In this beta version, if you wish to change any of these settings, you must click the Update List button again. This will also clear out your schedule, so please keep that in mind.

The green shaded regions indicate the fish is available during that interval of time, and the brighter green box in the middle represents the actual window. Depending on the fish, these can get rather tiny. Clicking on the bright green box will display the exact time that window starts and prompt you to add the fish to your schedule. You can click elsewhere to close the prompt. Please note that in this beta version, you may only add each fish to the schedule once.

Adding a fish to your schedule will place it in both the Schedule List and Schedule Bar. The bar displays the fish's window with each interval hashed out. From here, you can click on the fish to see more details, and have the option to remove it from your schedule. The list displays the fish in order and resembles the main tracker. Only conditions are omitted, and the availability column always displays a countdown when the fish is less than 4 hours from being available (otherwise the scheduled time is displayed). After the scheduled window has passed, the entry in the list will be dimmed and shrunk.

Sharing Train with Others:

You can assign a name for your fish train too, or accept the default "Fish Train" title. A good example would be your streamer handle, or an event name. This will be displayed on the train pass.

Once you are happy with the train, you can click the Generate Train Pass button to create a URL to share with friends and community. Have your friends visit the link, and they will see just the schedule list view.

Please note that this link is static. If you make changes to the schedule on this page, a new pass needs to be created to have the updated information.

Streaming Overlay Support:

It's possible to add the schedule list as an overlay on your stream. Please see the Wiki article on Fish Train Streaming Tips for more details.

Update List
Generate Train Pass
Edit Existing Train
Schedule List
Name Availability Location Bait
Schedule Bar
Fish Table
Fish Location